Saturday, May 12, 2012

What are chakras and how they work

I will post pictures and their site address and give added sites to watch episodes

I post the English subbed version because it is better appreciated if heard in its own language. You can watch the English version from the same site given, but I feel you will get the idea of what I mean, plus important things tend to get lost in the English rendition~

Episode 2  about 1/3 of the way in ~ characters state that chakras are the life force of a person and how ninja techniques can form by using a combination of spirit energy.

In episode 10 Naruto trains to walk up a tree

 Ninjas are taught how to walk on water~

Kakashi is seen standing on water in episode 9
3rd video down~

The end half of Episodes 52 and 53 Naruto is taught how to stand on water

 ~ I honestly had to laugh when I first saw this* and instantly thought WOW Jesus is a Ninja!

There are some people that can see the energy system and manipulate it- episode 46 near the end halfway through is interesting though ;)

When using his own life force Naruto's middle chakra is blue.

When using the chakra from "the Nine tailed demon fox" that was sealed with in him, the spirit energy is orange.

The nine tailed fox is sealed in the area known as the Solar Plexus Chakra. Or as shown in this picture where the EGO can be found.

When Naruto gets emotionally upset the "Nine tailed fox's" power is unleashed, as shown in the beginning of episode 17 and 29-2/3rds the way in.

When evoked he uses the power from the demon and at times loses control of himself, giving free reign for the fox which loves to destroy everything in its way.

I have other ideas that I will post later for now I think this is enough~ see ya soon

Check this out~ :)
awesome site that I stumbled upon!!

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