Monday, June 4, 2012

Power of words

  The power to heal others through words - Also know as talk-no-jutsu


I believe he learned this from his first teacher Iruka in episode 1, a little more than half way through.

Iruka identified himself with Naruto, looking back at his own childhood he saw that he was the same as Naruto, alone.

Episodes 77-80 Naruto has what I call his first serious fight. During the fight he recognizes something in Gaara that changes his fighting. He tries to get across to Gaara that he feels the same way, having people in his life that are there for him has helped him get through the pain and let go of it. The clip above^ is from the 80th episode. Honestly watching all the episodes below can tell a lot of the story, so I suggest watching the full episodes~

Episode132-134 He tries to do the same with his friend Sasuke and it doesn't work. Yet again I suggest watching the full episodes~

I'm sure there are more episodes where he uses the same talking technique in the first series, yet this is all that I will post because they were the most significant.

Naruto Shippuden

Episode 31 Naruto is told that he "has the power to change people." He changed elder Chiyo's heart.

Episode 169 What others see as reckless and foolish, Naruto sees it as an opportunity to make a difference, change the world as it is into something better. In this episode he tries to understand Pain's past.

Episode 174 and 175 Pain~ a man that not only killed Naruto's teacher, but destroyed his village, was changed by Naruto's words of determination to fine a better way of helping the ninja world.

Everyone that Pain had killed is brought back to life~ that is how powerful words can mean to another~



It not only worked on the baddest of the bad but it also worked on the Kyuubi~ ;)

by ~nfj123 talk no jutsu

*Another awesome site to check out as a rundown of the show, that is if you don't want to watch the videos~ *